Sunday 27 March 2011

FILICIDE: Texas: Vikki Maccias son died from blunt force head trauma

Matt Rivers - Multimedia Journalist
March 22, 2011
EL PASO- Vikki Macias is sitting in county jail behind tonight, accused of murdering Dallas Ryan Macias, her four-year-old son.  Tonight, her lawyer and her brother spoke to us about the case.
"It's hard.  It's like losing two family members," says Vince Barreda, Vikki's brother and Dallas' uncle.  "I'm in shock you know about it.  It's not something that's easy to take.  It's very hard to put into words how one's supposed to feel about that."
It's a situation no family should ever have to go through.  26 year-old Vikki Macias turned herself in to police yesterday, who arrested her on capital murder charges.
According to the indictment, Dallas died of blunt force trauma to the head, a blow struck, police say, by Vikki Macias.
"In situations like this someone has to be held responsible, and as of right now, unfortunately, that's my sister," Barreda said.
Dallas hit his head in his bedroom at the Macias family home, on March 12.  But exactly what happened that day is a point of contention, with some arguing that the death was just a tragic accident.
Justin underwood is Vikki Macias' attorney.  He says his client was nowhere near her little boy when he hit his head, merely guilty of not being there when it happened.
"Dallas was playing in his room one moment, she went off down the hall, and she heard something that sounded awful, she went back in there, and he was unconscious on the floor," the lawyer said.
The arrest affidavit shows a history of abuse, and says there is evidence to prove it.  The medical examiner found the boy had a fractured left leg.
It was partially healed but never treated, something they call a tell-tale sign of abuse.  That, in combination with unreleased witness statements, were enough for police to make an arrest.
Barreda told us he didn't want to comment on his sister's possible guilt or innocence.  He only wants justice served, and the truth to come out.
He also told us Dallas's father is currently in jail.  We called CPS this afternoon, and they say there is no prior history with Child Protective Services.

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